We cannot bury our talents or we will lose not only our own souls, but the souls of others as well. We must realize how quickly our lives can pass us by. When they are over, no one will take notice of our passing. We cannot bring back time which has passed. The time which is to come we do not yet have. The only time we have is now and we must use it well.
We must make careful use of the gifts of God. The challenge for us as Christians is to not seek rest while we are upon this earth. This is a life of toil, struggle and pain. Our rest will be in the Kingdom of God.
Satan prowls about the world seeking the ruin of souls. He knows his time is short and he works to dechristianize our society, to denigrate family life, and to spread hatred throughout the world toward God’s Holy Name.
We must place all our talents at God’s service. We must strive to live holy lives by renewing our love for the Eucharist and our reliance on the Blessed Virgin Mary for all our needs. God will one day soon demand an exact account of the use of our every moment of time.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us!
Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Jeffery A. Fasching
8 years ago