This is the Lord’s Day. How we spend it is up to us. It would be good for us to focus on the Blessed Eucharist and spend some time in prayer thanking Christ for his tremendous love He expresses through the Blessed Sacrament. Christ has no need of us, yet His love for us compels Him to make Himself present in the Eucharist to satisfy our need for Him.
Are you satisfied when you receive Jesus Christ in the Eucharist? When we receive our Lord we receive everything we can ask for or imagine. If we do not find ourselves drawing fruit from our frequent communions, we must examine our interior spiritual life of grace. How are we responding to the immense love Christ pours out to us through His Sacred Heart? Do we properly prepare each time we approach the Blessed Sacrament to receive our Lord? Do we give Him a proper thanksgiving?
Are we firmly resolved to avoid mortal and deliberate venial sins? Remember the infinite purity of our Lord and be ashamed if you are not living in imitation of Christ’s virtues. No matter what your spiritual state, never fear of approaching Christ in the Blessed Sacrament where He waits for you. He wants to rid you of all your pride, selfishness, self-centeredness, vanity, and self love. The more often we approach our Lord, the less unworthy we become of Him.
If you find yourself in a state of mortal sin, make a sacramental confession before receiving the Eucharist, otherwise you receive our Lord unworthily and bring condemnation upon yourself. Christ instituted the Sacrament of Penance because He knows all too well our need for forgiveness.
Let us approach our Lord in both the Sacrament of Penance and the Sacrament of the Eucharist where He waits to forgive us and pour out His love upon us.
Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Jeffery Fasching
8 years ago