When we sin it is often easy to find an excuse for doing so. We even find it easy to point the finger at someone or something else as a reason for our sin! We must be responsible for our own wrongdoing. Sin is something that wells up from the depths of our own hearts. Therefore, the roots of sin are internal rather than external. God is not the author of sin, we are. God has an infinite hatred for sin and we should pray that our sentiments be the same. Sin is the source of all our unhappiness and it is the reason for souls in purgatory and in hell. In fact, sin is so great an evil that absolutely nothing can justify it.
Only God can hate sin as it should be hated. Only the blood of Christ can save us from the punishment we deserve for our sins. We should daily examine our consciences and pray to know the gravity and extent of our sins. Ideally, we should want to come to the point where we learn to hate even the smallest sin.
Sin is more than simply doing something contrary to God’s law. Sin is confusion. Satan will use all his power to lead us into sin. He will exploit our weaknesses and constantly attack us where we are vulnerable. Therefore, we must constantly pray to avoid any occasions that may lead us into sin. We should always ask God to keep us from sinning in the future.
Tomorrow is the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. If we want to develop a devotion to the Sacred Heart, one necessary disposition is an intense hatred for sin in all forms. We must be in a state of grace because the Sacred Heart is the source of all purity. No stain of sin can ever enter into the Sacred Heart, rather only that which is pure. The Heart of Jesus only allows entrance to those souls who are extremely pure.
Consider the beloved disciple Saint John. Christ loved Saint John in a special way because his chastity and purity of heart. If we want to develop a true devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we must learn to love Him more intimately than most people do. In other words, we must learn to hate even deliberate venial sins. It is not enough to simply avoid mortal sin. We must desire to acquire a purity of heart over and above the average Christian.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us! Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!
Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Jeffery A. Fasching
8 years ago