Reflections on the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Today we honor in a special way the true presence of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. On the feast of the Sacred Heart we as Catholics acknowledge our belief in this tremendous mystery of our faith, and yet for the most part are cold or indifferent toward the infinite love Christ shows us in the Blessed Eucharist.
It is amazing to think about the immense love Christ shows us in not wanting to separate Himself from us. He returns to this earth every day invisibly because of His desire to remain with us. What will we pay Him in return? Christ dwells in Heaven where all desires are satisfied, yet he comes to be with us sacramentally in the Eucharist! What an amazing desire He must have to be with us!
We acknowledge that Christ loves us infinitely, yet so few of us are willing to love Him perfectly. What is our disposition after receiving Holy Communion? Do we give Christ proper preparation and a fitting thanksgiving?
Many people deprive themselves of Holy Communion altogether because they would rather not give up their vices. Receiving Holy Communion frequently would mean that they would have to love Christ more, be more reserved, and to live a more regular life. For many, this is inconvenient. They prefer to deprive themselves of Holy Communion because they have an aversion for the Body and Blood of Christ.
Christ wants us to come to Holy Communion often because it is the only way we can make ourselves less unworthy. Many people consider themselves unworthy and use this as an excuse to stay away from receiving Holy Communion. None of us are worthy, yet Christ invites us every day!
Christ wants us to visit Him in the Blessed Sacrament and to receive Holy Communion frequently. “Come to me all you that labor and are burdened, and I will refresh you.” (Matt. 11:28). Catholics who neglect such an easy and powerful means to bring themselves true happiness suffer a tremendous spiritual loss. This is the key to becoming a saint! Neglecting visiting Christ in the Blessed Sacrament frequently is the source of most of our unhappiness and misfortunes. When do pay Christ a visit, we must do it without distractions and with reverence. If we do not, our visits will be fruitless.
On the other hand, those who do visit Christ in the Blessed Sacrament frequently and as often as they can know that this is a sure means of receiving all they ask of Jesus Christ. Visiting Christ frequently and with confidence will draw down upon us special graces, in particular a true devotion to His Sacred Heart. Have you visited our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament today?
Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Jeffery Fasching
8 years ago