AINT AGNES CATHEDRAL 533 South Jefferson Springfield, MO 65806
CELEBRANT: Father Jeff Fasching
September 6, 2015
15th Sunday after Pentecost
Epistle: Gal. 5:25,26; 6:1-10
Gospel: Luke 7:11-16
Mon 7 No Latin Mass
Tues 8 Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Wed 9 St. Gorgonius, Martyr
Thu 10 St. Nicholas of Tolentino, Confessor
Fri 11 SS. Protus & Hyacinth, Martyrs
We must love others in order to fulfill the law of Christ. This is the “New Commandment.” Jesus says: “By this you will be known, by the love you have for one another!” Part of loving others involves fraternal correction. We cannot stand idly by while others are sinning all around us. But we must do it will all gentleness and humility. We must always be conscious of our own weakness and personal shortcomings. St. Augustine says that we must never take issue with another's sin without first examining our own conscience. Self-knowledge leads us to humility. We must always act out of love. St. Paul says we must examine our own conscience in order to discover what really motivates our actions. We must strive to always act out of love for God.
In Christo Jesu et
Maria Immaculata,
Father Jeff Fasching
8 years ago