SAINT AGNES CATHEDRAL 533 South Jefferson Springfield, MO 65806
CELEBRANT: Father Jeffery Fasching
July 6, 2014
4th Sunday after Pentecost
Epistle: Rom. 8: 18-23
Gospel: Lk. 5: 1-11
Mon 7 SS. Cyril & Methodius, Bishops & Confessors-No Latin Mass
Tue 8 Saint Elizabeth of Portugal, Queen & Widow
Wed 9 Feria
Thu 10 Seven Holy Brothers, Martyrs and SS. Rufina & Secunda, Virgins & Martyrs
Fri 11 Feria
The scriptures remind us that we are pilgrims on a journey. We do not belong to this world. Heaven is our true homeland and we must acquire it by God's grace and our own good works. We shouldn't seek after too much happiness in this world because before we know it the time will come for us to leave it. We must prepare for eternal life now.
When we keep death before our eyes we learn to despise the goods of this world. We live well when keep in mind our last day. God has prepared for us a home with Him in heaven. We must use this life to make ourselves ready!
In Christ,
Father Jeff Fasching
8 years ago