SAINT AGNES CATHEDRAL 533 South Jefferson Springfield, MO 65806
CELEBRANT: Father Jeffery Fasching
June 8, 2014
Pentecost Sunday
Epistle: Acts 2: 1-11
Gospel: Jn. 14: 23-31
Mon 9 No Latin Mass
Tue 10 Pentecost Tuesday
Wed 11 Ember Wednesday of Pentecost
Thu 12 Pentecost Thursday
Fri 13 Ember Friday of Pentecost
Mass on June 22nd (the External Solemnity of Corpus Christi) will begin at 1:30pm followed by a procession with the Blessed Sacrament. You are invited to Join His Excellency, Bishop James Johnston for Mass and the procession.
Mass on June 6 will be followed by adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and benediction.
A plenary indulgence may be gained by publicly saying or singing the Veni, Creator on Pentecost Sunday.
Jesus Christ is our savior and our master. He taught us both by word and example. He showed us how to love God for whom we were created. He says in today's Gospel: “That the world may know that I love the Father, and as the Father hath given me commandments, so do I.” Jesus also says that He came down from Heaven not to do His own will, but to do the will of His Father. If we truly love God and wish to be sanctified we must discern God's will in all things and do our very best to carry it out! Since Saint Paul tells us that the divine love is poured into our souls through the Holy Ghost, we must always beg the Holy Ghost for knowledge of God's will and the courage to carry it out. If we want to love God we must not follow our own will, but rather the will of God. We must conform our will to that of His.
In Christ,
Father Jeff Fasching
8 years ago