SAINT AGNES CATHEDRAL 533 South Jefferson Springfield, MO 65806
CELEBRANT: Father Jeffery Fasching
May 25, 2014
Fifth Sunday after Easter
Epistle: Jas. 1: 22-27
Gospel: Jn. 16: 23-30
Mon 26 No Latin Mass
Tue 27 Saint Bede the Venerable; Confessor & Doctor
Wed 28 Vigil of the Ascension
Thu 29 Ascension of the Lord
Fri 30 Feria after the Ascension
Mass on June 22nd (the External Solemnity of Corpus Christi) will begin at 1:30pm.
Pot-luck following Mass on Sunday, June 1.
When we pray to God we must always pray with humility, confidence and perseverance. God resists the proud but He gives grace to the humble of heart. If we trust in our own strength our prayers will be rejected by the Lord. We may be among the worst of sinners, but if we humble ourselves before the Lord and repent of our sins God will hear us. The psalmist says that a humble, contrite heart will not be rejected by God!
If we pray with confidence we will obtain whatever we ask of God. No one has ever placed his trust in God and been abandoned. Jesus Christ says in the Gospel: “All things whatsoever you ask when you pray, believe that you shall receive, and they shall come unto you.”
Finally, we must persevere in prayer until the day we die. We must never stop praying! The scriptures tell us this. Nothing should get in our way of constantly praying to God. We must remove anything that stands in the way of our prayers to God. Perseverance is a gift we must constantly ask God for. We must ask the Blessed Virgin Mary to obtain this grace for us.
In Christ,
Fr. Jeff Fasching
8 years ago