SAINT AGNES CATHEDRAL 533 South Jefferson Springfield, MO 65806
CELEBRANT: Father Jeffery Fasching
April 27, 2014
Low Sunday (Octave Day of Easter)
Epistle: 1 Jn. 5: 4-10
Gospel: Jn. 20: 19-31
Mon 21 Easter Monday No Latin Mass
Tue 22 Easter Tuesday No Latin Mass
Wed 23 Easter Wednesday
Thu 24 Easter Thursday
Fri 25 Easter Friday
Pot-luck dinner Sunday, April 27 following the 2:30pm Mass. This is Divine Mercy Sunday. A plenary indulgence is granted to those who take part in the prayers and devotions held in honor of Divine Mercy, or who, in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament exposed or in the tabernacle, recite the Our Father and the Creed, adding a devout prayer to the Merciful Lord Jesus (e.g., "Merciful Jesus, I trust in You!"). If unable to get to church for the above, one may gain the same indulgence be reciting the Our Father and the Creed before a devout image of Our Merciful Lord Jesus Christ and, in addition, praying a devout invocation to the Merciful Lord Jesus Christ.
The Chaplet of Divine Mercy will be sung immediately following Mass today.
In Christo Jesu et Maria Immaculata,
Father Jeffery Fasching
8 years ago