SAINT AGNES CATHEDRAL 533 South Jefferson Springfield, MO 65806
CELEBRANT: Father Jeffery Fasching
July 7, 2013 7th Sunday after Pentecost
Epistle: Rom. 6:19-23--Gospel: Mk. 7:15-21
Mass Schedule July 8 through July 12
Mon 8 Saint Elizabeth of Portugal, Queen & Widow—No Latin Mass
Tue 9 Requiem Mass + Mr. & Mrs. Kurien
Wed 10 Seven Holy Brothers, Martyrs and SS. Rufina & Secunda, Virgins & Martyrs
Thu 11 Saint Pius I, Pope & Martyr
Fri 12 Saint John Gualbert, Abbot
Jesus Christ has said that we should never perform our actions in order that we may be praised by men. If we seek a reward in heaven, then we must strive to hide our good works as much as possible. If not, the devil may very well rob us of our merit through pride. Many do good works that are not founded in the soul. In other words, their religion is strictly exterior.
The saints knew their religion well and always sought to humble themselves in order to obtain the mercy of God. Many Christians practice their religion based on their mood. Some do it routinely out of habit alone. Many people pray much and frequently receive the Sacraments, but they still keep their bad habits and secret vices. They want to be both friends of God and friends of sin.
False virtue is a great sin. We must always have a pure intention when we undertake good works. It is not the size and greatness of the act which gives them merit, but rather our intention to please God and God alone.
In Christ,
Fr. Jeff Fasching
8 years ago