SAINT AGNES CATHEDRAL 533 South Jefferson Springfield, MO 65806
CELEBRANT: Father Jeffery Fasching
June 16, 2013 4th Sunday after Pentecost
Epistle: Rom. 8: 18-23; Gospel: Lk. 5: 1-11
Mass Schedule June 17 through June 21
Mon 17 Saint Gregory Barbarigo, Bishop & Confessor- No Latin Mass
Tue 18 Saint Ephrem of Syria; Deacon, Confessor & Doctor
Wed 19 Saint Juliana of Falconieri, Virgin
Thu 20 Saint Silverius, Pope & Martyr
Fri 21 Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, Confessor-NO LATIN MASS
The next pot-luck dinner will be on Sunday, June 30 in the school cafeteria immediately following the 2:30pm Latin Mass. All are invited to attend.
There will be no Latin Mass on Friday, June 21st.
We are all going to die, but we cannot be certain when that day will come. We must never lose sight of the fact that death is certain for all of us. Here on earth we are pilgrims on a journey. The letter to the Hebrews reminds us: “For we have not here a lasting city, but we seek one that is to come.” Our true home is in heaven with God. We must therefore be careful to seek after too much happiness in this life and thus expose ourselves to the danger of misery in the next. Our true home is an eternal home. We are souls who have faith. We must use our lives here as a preparation for the day we meet Jesus Christ as our Judge.
When we frequently think of the reality of death we are able to detach ourselves from the goods of the earth. If we often consider how we must soon leave this world, we will learn to despise riches, pleasures and honor in this life. We know not the day or the hour. Now is the time to make ready.
In Christ,
Father Jeffery Fasching
8 years ago