SAINT AGNES CATHEDRAL 533 South Jefferson Springfield, MO 65806
CELEBRANT: Father Jeffery Fasching
March 24th, 2013 Palm Sunday
There will be no Liturgies in the Extraordinary Form during Holy Week. Mass on Easter Sunday is at 2:30pm.
“Let the faithful be invited to take part in the Procession of Palms in greater numbers, this rendering Christ the King public witness of their love and gratitude.”
Palm Sunday commemorates the last triumph of Jesus Christ on earth and begins Holy Week. Palm Sunday is a celebration of the triumphant entry of Our Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. Christ’s followers cut off branches from trees and laid them on the ground while proclaiming Christ as the Son of David. In commemoration of this event palms are blessed to begin the Liturgy and are carried in solemn procession.
It will be only days later that these very followers will call for the death of Jesus Christ. However, as Christians we believe that Christ’s death was not a failure. It was through His Passion and Death that Christ conquered sin, Satan and the world! “I, if I be lifted up…will draw all things to Myself” (Jn. 12:32).
On Palm Sunday we give thanks to Jesus Christ for redeeming us through His Passion and Death. Christ is our triumphant King. He is King of the universe and King of our hearts if we allow Him to be.
In Christ,
Father Jeffery Fasching
8 years ago