SAINT AGNES CATHEDRAL 533 South Jefferson Springfield, MO 65806 EXTRAORDINARY FORM OF THE MASS: Celebrant Rev. Jeffery A. Fasching
January 29th, 2012 Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
Epistle: Rom. 13: 8-10
Gospel: Mt 18: 23-27
Mass Schedule January 30th through February 3rd
Monday-Saint Martina, Virgin & Martyr-NO LATIN MASS
Tuesday-Saint John Bosco, Confessor-NO LATIN MASS
Wednesday-Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop & Martyr
Thursday-Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Friday-Saint Blase, Bishop & Martyr
The Latin Mass Community of Springfield, MO will hold its monthly pot-luck dinner in the Saint Agnes school cafeteria immediately following the 2:30pm Mass on Sunday, February 5th. All are invited to attend. You may bring any religious articles you wish to have blessed.
On February 3rd there is a blessing of throats at Mass in honor of Saint Blase. In addition, I will be available immediately after the 2:30pm Mass on February 5th for the blessing of throats.
Christ demands faith from all of us. For example, when we meditate on the fourth luminous mystery of the Holy Rosary we focus on Christ’s transfiguration. As with any mystery in the life of Christ we must always ask for a particular grace when we focus on the mystery. With the transfiguration we must beg God for the ability to see with His transforming vision rather than our own limited human vision. This grace is attainable for a person from any state of life, but we often hear more about those who have chosen to embrace a vocation to the priesthood or religious life that have great faith or practice heroic virtue.
So how can one recognize the way of life to which he is called by God? The most important factor is to embrace a regular habit of prayer with faith that God will make His will known to those who sincerely seek it. While praying, one must try to maintain an attitude of perfect detachment. One must fight against the tendency to lean toward one alternative rather than another before God manifests His will. One must maintain a spirit of generosity and willingness to embrace whatever God reveals to be His will. If one prays and reflects God will eventually let the person know what He wills for the person. God will allow the person to experience greater light, peace and certainty with regard to the way of life God wills for the person. This is how one will grow in conviction that this is God’s will.
In discerning God’s will in the choice of a way of life, one should place before one’s mind the one end and purpose for which one has been created by God, namely, to praise, reverence and serve God, and in this way to save one’s soul. Furthermore, one must be resolved not to allow any other consideration to sway one’s choice. With that in mind, one should ask oneself what way of life seems to offer the person, with his special gifts and graces, the best means for attaining that end. Which path is the best means for promoting the greater glory of God? Which way of life provides the best means for attaining holiness? Which way of life provides the best means for contributing to the well-being of the greater number of people and of helping them attain salvation?
Clarity often comes from imagining oneself on one’s death bed and asking the question which choice I would then wish that I had made. I should now make that choice. Imagine standing before God in judgment and having to render an account of one’s life. Which choice will I then wish I had made?
In Christ,
Rev. Jeffery A. Fasching
8 years ago