Monday, May 16, 2016


Come Holy Ghost! The Holy Ghost is the life-blood of the Church. He is all-powerful. After Christ had ascended into heaven, He sent the Holy Ghost upon his apostles and they were filled with strength, confidence, boldness and an unwavering faith--even in the face of persecution and death!

We have received the very same Holy Ghost through baptism and confirmation. We should know without a doubt that we too have the power to trample upon the world! We have all power over sin and satan. When we possess the Holy Ghost we can accomplish all we set our minds to! The Almighty God dwells in our very being. He is within us!

Come Holy Ghost!

Fr. Jeff Fasching

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


The Epiphany of Our Lord Jesus Christ...

Epiphany means the Manifestation of God. Jesus Christ is God and Lord of the entire world! The star appears in the East, the water is changed into wine at the wedding feast of Cana, and tomorrow Jesus is Baptized in the Jordan by John..."This is my beloved Son," says the voice from heaven. All these miracles help us to recognize the Child Jesus as our God and King. They help us to adore Him with greater faith!

"We are the people of Your pasture and the sheep of your hand." (Psalm 94). Jesus reveals Himself to the world. We must beg Him to reveal Himself more and more to our own souls!

Fr. Jeff Fasching