Saturday, May 30, 2015

Bulletin 258

SAINT AGNES CATHEDRAL 533 South Jefferson Springfield, MO 65806


CELEBRANT: Father Jeff Fasching

May 31, 2015

Trinity Sunday

Epistle: Rom. 11:33-36
Gospel: Mt. 28:18-20

Mon 1 -- No Latin Mass

Tue 2 – Feria

Wed 3 – Requiem Mass + Frank Misso

Thu 4 – Corpus Christi

Fri 5 – Sacred Heart of Jesus

Would you like to learn more about spiritual warfare and the Catholic Church's role in it? Join me and Fr. Chad Ripperger, PhD, from the Diocese of Tulsa, OK on June 5th 6th and 7th 2015. Fr. Ripperger is a Theologian, Thomistic Psychologist, Philosopher, Seminary Professor and Author. Fr. Ripperger will be speaking here at St. Agnes Cathedral (Pallotti Center) the first weekend in June. Topics will include:

--Spiritual Warfare
--Magisterial Authority and the Binding Force of Tradition

Lectures to be presented on:

--Friday @ 6:00pm--Traditions of the Liturgy

--Saturday @ 10:00am—--Binding Force of Tradition
--Saturday @ 1:30pm ---Magisterial Authority and Related Virtues
--Saturday @ 6:00pm ---Spiritual Warfare Part I

--Sunday @ 10:00am ---Spiritual Warfare Part II

Now is the season after Pentecost! It begins with the Feast of the Blessed Trinity and is the longest of the Liturgical year. In this last part of the ecclesiastical year, the Church, guided by the Holy Ghost, continues the work of Redemption...”The Holy Ghost, Whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring all things to your mind whatsoever I shall have said to you.”

This last season of the Liturgical Year is filled with feasts of major importance: those of the Blessed Trinity, Corpus Christi, the Sacred Heart, the Assumption and Nativity of Our Lady, All Saints and All Souls!

“Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen!”

In Christo Jesu et
Maria Immaculata,

Father Jeff Fasching

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Bulletin 257

SAINT AGNES CATHEDRAL 533 South Jefferson Springfield, MO 65806


CELEBRANT: Father Jeff Fasching

May 24, 2015

Pentecost Sunday

Epistle: Acts 2:1-11
Gospel: Jn. 14:23-31

Mon 25 -- No Latin Mass

Tue 26 – Pentecost Tuesday

Wed 27 – Ember Wednesday in the Octave of Pentecost

Thu 28 – Pentecost Thursday

Fri 29 – Ember Friday in the Octave of Pentecost

Would you like to learn more about spiritual warfare and the Catholic Church's role in it? Join me and Fr. Chad Ripperger, PhD, from the Diocese of Tulsa, OK on June 5th 6th and 7th 2015. Fr. Ripperger is a Theologian, Thomistic Psychologist, Philosopher, Seminary Professor and Author. Fr. Ripperger will be speaking here at St. Agnes Cathedral (Pallotti Center) the first weekend in June. Topics will include:

--Spiritual Warfare
--Magisterial Authority and the Binding Force of Tradition

Lectures to be presented on:

--Friday @ 6:00pm.
--Saturday @ 10:00am, 1:30pm and 4:00pm.
--Sunday @ 10:00am.

“I will send you another Comforter,” another deliverer, “The Holy Ghost,” says Jesus Christ. This Holy Ghost rules over the Holy Church and enters into every soul to enlighten and guide them in the way of salvation!

The problem is that not every man who has received the Holy Ghost chooses to cooperate with the promptings of His grace. Not all of us are children of the Holy Ghost. Many of us are children of the world.

We know we are a child of the Holy Ghost if we avoid grievous sin. The Holy Ghost can only dwell in a soul who has no part of serious sin. Every sin is an abomination to the Holy Ghost. Saint Paul writes: “Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God.” In other words, do not sin! Sin turns the dwelling place of the Holy Ghost into the dwelling place of Satan! Saint Gregory says: “The sinner's heart is the devil's workshop, but not the dwelling of the Holy Ghost.” It is most notably the sins of impurity-unchaste thoughts, words, and actions which drive the Holy Ghost out of our hearts. The sensual man cannot receive the grace of the Holy Ghost. The book of Genesis tells us: “My spirit shall not remain in man forever, because he is flesh.” In other words, because he is addicted to the lust of the flesh.

If you have lost the Holy Ghost through leading a sinful life now is the time to repent! You must do penance to purify your soul and receive the Holy Ghost once again into your heart. Saint Peter says: “Do penance, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of your sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost!"

Spirit of the Father and the Son, boundless life of both, sanctify us!

In Christo Jesu et
Maria Immaculata,

Father Jeff Fasching

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Bulletin 256

SAINT AGNES CATHEDRAL 533 South Jefferson Springfield, MO 65806


CELEBRANT: Father Jeff Fasching

May 17, 2015

Sunday after the Ascension

Epistle: 1Pet. 4:7-11
Gospel: Jn. 15:26,27; 16:1-4

Mon 18 -- No Latin Mass

Tue 19 – Saint Peter Celestine, Pope & Confessor

Wed 20 – Saint Bernardine of Sienna, Confessor

Thu 21 – Feria after Ascension

Fri 22 – Feria after Ascension

Would you like to learn more about spiritual warfare and the Catholic Church's role in it? Join me and Fr. Chad Ripperger, PhD, from the Diocese of Tulsa, OK on June 5th 6th and 7th 2015. Fr. Ripperger is a Theologian, Thomistic Psychologist, Philosopher, Seminary Professor and Author. Fr. Ripperger will be speaking here at St. Agnes Cathedral (Pallotti Center) the first weekend in June. Topics will include:

--Spiritual Warfare
--Magisterial Authority and the Binding Force of Tradition

Lectures to be presented on:

--Friday @ 6:00pm.
--Saturday @ 10:00am, 1:30pm and 4:00pm.
--Sunday @ 10:00am.

“Yea; the hour cometh, that whosoever killeth you, will think that he doth a service to God.” Jesus Christ made the above statement to His disciples while exhorting them to remain faithful to Him under the persecutions which they were to endure. Many Christians today continue to act this way! They kill their own souls by losing the grace of God through human respect and to please worldly friends!

Human respect is a great enemy of our salvation! Many souls are in Hell due to human respect! We cannot allow ourselves to be influenced by human respect!

We must avoid familiarity with scandalous sinners. St. Paul says: “But now I have written to you not to keep company...with such an one, not as much as to eat.” 1Cor. 5:11. We must always be on guard against intimacy with such sinners, lest through human respect and fear of contradicting them, we will imitate their example and lose the friendship of God.

Be vigilant. To save one's soul we must overcome human respect. It is impossible to follow God Almighty and not be persecuted. “The wicked loathe them that are in the right way.” Prov. 29:27. Sinners hate the sight of a man who lives according to the Gospel because his life is a continual contradiction to their sinful conduct. Do not be influenced by them and do not associate with them! Worldlings speak no language than that of the world.

God is ready to assist you!

In Christo Jesu et
Maria Immaculata,

Father Jeff Fasching

Friday, May 8, 2015

Bulletin 255

SAINT AGNES CATHEDRAL 533 South Jefferson Springfield, MO 65806


CELEBRANT: Father Jeff Fasching

May 10, 2015

Fifth Sunday After Easter

Epistle: Jas. 1:22-27
Gospel: Jn. 16:23-30

Mon 11 -- No Latin Mass

Tue 12 – Ss. Nereus, Achilleus, Domitilla, Virgin, & Pancras, Martyrs

Wed 13 – Vigil of the Ascension

Thu 14 – Ascension of the Lord

Fri 15 – Saint John Baptist de la Salle, Confessor

At the last Supper, Christ warned His apostles that He would soon be leaving them. He would soon return to the glory He always had with His Father in heaven. At this point, the apostles were far from knowing and loving Jesus perfectly. They knew that He came forth from God, but their faith was still very weak, and they would soon lose it altogether. The apostles were now enjoying Christ's company after His Resurrection. Christ teaches them everything they are required to know in order to become the teachers of the whole world.

Jesus says to His apostles: “The Father loveth you, because ye have loved Me.” We ourselves should be consoled by these words. Christ tells us to ask God the Father for everything we need. We should ask first and foremost to persevere in the spirit of Eastertide. We should pray to Saint James, the apostle of Paschal Time and the apostle of good works that we may obtain the grace to persevere in this new life of grace with our risen Lord! It is not enough to simply believe, says Saint James, but we must also demonstrate our faith with good works!

In Christo Jesu et
Maria Immaculata,

Father Jeff Fasching

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Bulletin 254

SAINT AGNES CATHEDRAL 533 South Jefferson Springfield, MO 65806


CELEBRANT: Father Jeff Fasching

May 3, 2015

Fourth Sunday After Easter

Epistle: Jas. 1:17-21
Gospel: Jn. 16: 5-14

Mon 4 -- No Latin Mass

Tue 5 – No Latin Mass

Wed 6– Feria of Paschaltide

Thu 7 – Saint Stanislaus, Bishop @ Martyr

Fri 8 – Our Lady, Mediatrix of All Graces

Saint Agnes Cathedral celebrates First Holy Communion Mass on Sunday, May 3rd at 2:00pm.

The Latin Mass on Sunday, May 3rd will be at 7:00pm.

Christ has confided to His Apostles the sacred deposit of the truths which are to form the object of our faith. During these forty days of Easter we must follow Him in His work of instituting the sacraments. We must not only believe, but we must also incorporate within us the great fruit of our redemption which is called grace. We are living members of our Divine Head and thus joint heirs with Him in the Kingdom of Heaven! It is by means of the sacraments that Christ produces in us this wondrous work of our justification. He applies to us His Incarnation and Sacrifice by a means which He Himself in His power and wisdom has instituted.

When instituting the sacraments, our Lord assigned to each an essential rite: and this rite is outward and sensible. He made the Flesh, which He united to His Divine Person, become the instrument of our salvation by His Passion and Death on the Cross. He redeemed us by shedding His Blood for us! The same is true with respect to the sacraments. He follows the same mysterious plan, taking physical things as His auxiliaries in effecting the work of our justification. He raises them to a supernatural state, and makes them the faithful and all-powerful conductors of His grace.

In Christo Jesu et
Maria Immaculata,

Father Jeff Fasching