SAINT AGNES CATHEDRAL 533 South Jefferson Springfield, MO 65806
CELEBRANT: Father Jeffery Fasching
September 28, 2014
16th Sunday after Pentecost
Epistle: Eph. 3: 13-21
Gospel: Lk. 14: 1-11
Mon 29 No Latin Mass
Tue 30 Saint Jerome; Priest, Confessor & Doctor
Wed 1 Feria
Thu 2 Holy Guardian Angels
Fri 3 Sacred Heart of Jesus
Mass on October 3 will be followed by adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and benediction.
The saints found all their happiness in keeping the commandments. Every one of them would have rather suffered martyrdom than to break a commandment. The martyrs suffered the cruelest tortures and deaths simply because they would not transgress the commandments of God!
True happiness is found only in strictly observing God's law! God in His mercy always helps us with His Grace to observe His law. We have nothing to fear! During the time of the Holy Sacrifice let us beg God for strength to obey Him faithfully. We must not let any consideration of earthly gain or loss sway us to transgress them.
You are cordially invited to experience the sacred liturgy according to Divine Worship (the Anglican Use of the Roman Rite) at Immaculate Conception Church in Springfield on Saturday, October 4th, at 7:30pm. Confessions will he heard at 7pm prior to mass. The sacred liturgy according to Divine Worship is a Vatican approved English version of a liturgy modelled after the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite (Traditional Latin Mass). It includes prayers at the foot of the altar, ad orientem (priest facing the Lord), reading of the last gospel, communion on the tongue while kneeling, all in Tudor English. This particular celebration will be modelled after the low mass according to the Extraordinary Form, and will include all of the customary solemnity and reverence. (Modest dress and head coverings are requested.) The mass will be celebrated by Father Kenneth Bolin, priest for the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter, who is currently assigned as a Catholic chaplain at Fort Leonard Wood. He comes at the invitation of His Excellency, Bishop James V. Johnston Jr. to celebrate mass quarterly (4 times a year) for the time being.
This will be a special occasion that is sure to bring greater appreciation for tradition to Catholics in the Springfield area. All Catholics are invited to attend and this mass will meet the Sunday obligation for those in attendance. We encourage you to join us, and please pass this information on to Catholics who regularly attend the Novus Ordo mass.
For more information, please contact Shane Schaetzel at:
In Christo Jesu et
Maria Immaculata,
Father Jeff Fasching
8 years ago