Thursday, February 27, 2014

Bulletin 193

SAINT AGNES CATHEDRAL 533 South Jefferson Springfield, MO 65806


CELEBRANT: Father Jeff Fasching

March 2, 2014

Quinquagesima Sunday

Epistle: I Cor. 13: 1-13
Gospel: Lk. 18: 31-43

Mon 3 No Latin Mass
Tue 4 No Latin Mass
Wed 5 Ash Wednesday—Mass@ 10:00am
Thu 6 Thursday after Ash Wednesday
Fri 7 Friday after Ash Wednesday

Laws of Days of Abstinence: The Discipline of 1962

• Applies on one’s 7th birthday.
• Complete Abstinence: all Fridays of the year, Ash Wednesday, Holy Saturday, and the Vigil of Christmas.
• Partial Abstinence (meat and soup or gravy made from meat permitted once a day at the principle meal): all the days of Lent, the Ember Days of Wednesday and Saturday, and the Vigils of Pentecost and the Assumption.
• Abstinence from meat is dispensed on Holy Days of Obligation
Laws of Fast: The Discipline of 1962
• Applies for those aged 21 to 59, inclusive.
• Days of Lent from Ash Wednesday inclusive, Ember Days, and Vigils of Christmas, Pentecost, and the Assumption.
• One full meal permitted and two other meals may be taken which, when combined, are less than a full meal.
The Law of the Eucharistic Fast: The Discipline of 1962
• The complete fast from all food and drink (except for water or medicine) for three hours before the reception of Holy Communion. In the document reducing the fast to three hours, the Pope still encouraged those who were able to maintain the midnight fast which was the previous discipline.

Mass on Ash Wednesday will be at 10:00am

Mass on March 7 will be followed by exposition and benediction of the Blessed Sacrament

Fr. Jeffery Fasching

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Bulletin 192

SAINT AGNES CATHEDRAL 533 South Jefferson Springfield, MO 65806


CELEBRANT: Father Jeff Fasching

February 23, 2014

Sexagesima Sunday

Epistle: II Cor. 11: 19-33; 12: 1-9
Gospel: Lk. 8: 4-15

Pot-luck dinner Sunday, February 23rd in the school cafeteria immediately following the 2:30pm Mass

Mass on Ash Wednesday will be at 10:00am

Mass Schedule February 24 – February 28

Mon 24 No Latin Mass
Tue 25 Feria
Wed 26 Feria
Thu 27 Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, Confessor
Fri 28 Feria

Satan is a master of making us believe that by indulging in our sensual appetites we will somehow find happiness and peace. However, there is absolutely no peace for us when we choose to offend God in any way! We have been created for God and God alone. We are meant to be united with Him. Sin separates us from union with God. The world cannot make us happy, only God can!

People of the world toil and labor to accumulate large amounts of money and riches. The more they have, the more they want. They are never satisfied. This is why the rich are often among the most miserable people in the world. They can never get enough. The people who are truly rich are those who seek God alone. They are content with what they have.

God alone offers contentment. People of the world will never believe this fact. They believe that giving themselves to God means bitterness and discontent. But those who choose to walk with God enjoy a sweetness and peace the world cannot offer!

Fr. Jeff Fasching

Friday, February 14, 2014

Bullein 191

SAINT AGNES CATHEDRAL 533 South Jefferson Springfield, MO 65806


CELEBRANT: Father Jeff Fasching

February 16th, 2014

Septuagesima Sunday (Low Mass)

Epistle: 1Cor. 9: 24-27; 10: 1-5
Gospel: Mt. 20: 1-16

Pot-luck dinner Sunday, February 23rd in the school cafeteria immediately following the 2:30pm Mass

Mass Schedule February 17 – February 21

Mon 17 No Latin Mass
Tue 18 No Latin Mass
Wed 19 Feria
Thu 20 Feria
Fri 21 Feria

Today is the first of three Sundays preceding Ash Wednesday. We begin our preparation for Lent by recalling how we have inherited original sin. We must constantly battle our sinful desires through prayer and penance.

Fr. Jeff Fasching

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Bulletin 190

SAINT AGNES CATHEDRAL 533 South Jefferson Springfield, MO 65806


CELEBRANT: Father Jeff Fasching

February 9, 2014

5th Sunday after Epiphany NO LATIN MASS

Due to the afternoon Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass and the Missouri State Concert Choir at 7:00pm in the Cathedral, there will be no Latin Mass Sunday, February 9th.

Mass on February 7th will be followed by exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and benediction.

Mass Schedule February 10-14

Mon 10 No Latin Mass
Tue 11 Our Lady of Lourdes
Wed 12 Seven Holy Servite Founders, Confessors
Thu 13 + Requiem Mass B. Fernandez
Fri 14 + Requiem Mass B. Fernandez

Fr. Jeff Fasching