Saturday, January 26, 2013

Bulletin 137

SAINT AGNES CATHEDRAL 533 South Jefferson Springfield, MO 65806


CELEBRANT Rev. Jeffery A. Fasching

January 27th, 2013 Septuagesima Sunday

Epistle: 1 Cor. 9:24-27; 10:1-5; Gospel: Mt. 20:1-16

Mass schedule January 28th through February 1st

Monday-Saint Peter Nolasco, Confessor-NO LATIN MASS

Tuesday-Saint Frances de Sales-Bishop, Confessor & Doctor-NO LATIN MASS

Wednesday-Saint Martina-Virgin & Martyr

Thursday-Saint John Bosco, Confessor

Friday-Sacred Heart of Jesus

There will be no Latin Mass on Tuesday, January 29th at 12:15pm.

Christianity is a tough religion. To be better than average, a Christian must train himself. Saint Paul compares this training to preparing for an athletic event. For an athlete to be successful, he must practice. The more practice, the better the athlete. The same holds true for followers of Christ. We cannot simply pay Our Lord lip service. We must run to win the prize. In order to make progress in the spiritual life we must live in moderation. We must mortify our selfish desires in order to receive a crown that does not fade away.

As we prepare for the Lenten season we chastise our bodies in order to bring them into subjection. We strive to become masters of ourselves in order follow Christ more closely. Christ gives us His Body and Blood as our spiritual food to help us on our way to victory.

Sincerely in Christ,

Fr. Jeff Fasching

Friday, January 18, 2013

Bulletin 136

SAINT AGNES CATHEDRAL 533 South Jefferson Springfield, MO 65806


CELEBRANT Rev. Jeffery A. Fasching

January 20th, 2013 Second Sunday after Epiphany

Epistle: Rom. 12:6-16; Gospel: Jn. 2:1-11

Mass schedule January 21st through January 25th

Monday-Saint Agnes * Virgin & Martyr-NO LATIN MASS

Tuesday-SS. Vincent & Anastasius, Martyrs

Wednesday-Saint Raymond of Penafort, Confessor

Thursday-Saint Timothy, Bishop & Martyr

Friday-Conversion of Saint Paul

The Wedding Feast at Cana in Galilee is the second luminous mystery of the Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Jesus Christ works His first public miracle because His Mother asks Him to! When we ponder this mystery in the life of Christ we should realize how it pleases God when we approach Him through His Blessed Mother. Mary is the most powerful intercessor of all the saints. In fact, one single sigh to her Son is more powerful than the prayers of all the angels and saints combined! Mary’s prayer is the prayer of a Mother, whereas the prayers of saints and angels are prayers of servants. All that the Mother asks of the Son is granted to her.

Mary has a heart full of love and mercy for poor sinners. She desires to see us happy in this life. We have only to turn to her if we want to be heard. It is true that God loved us so much that He died for us, but in the heart of Our Lord there is also justice for sinners. In the heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary there is nothing but mercy. When Jesus Christ is ready to punish a sinner, Mary intercedes and begs pardon for the sinner and Jesus cannot refuse her anything! The Most Holy Virgin places herself between her Son and us. The greater we sin, the more tenderness and compassion she feels for us.

Let us renew our devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and approach God through her with all our needs.

Sincerely in Christ,

Fr. Jeff Fasching

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Bulletin 135

SAINT AGNES CATHEDRAL 533 South Jefferson Springfield, MO 65806


CELEBRANT Rev. Jeffery A. Fasching

January 13th, 2013 Holy Family

Epistle: Col. 3: 12-17; Gospel: Lk. 2: 42-52

Mass schedule January 14th through January 18th

Monday-Saint Hilary-Bishop, Confessor & Doctor-NO LATIN MASS

Tuesday-Saint Paul, the First Hermit

Wednesday-Saint Marcellus I-Pope & Martyr

Thursday-Saint Anthony, Abbot

Friday-Votive Mass of the Chair of Saint Peter

The Feast of the Holy Family offers us a chance to reflect upon God’s eternal truths and the true meaning of life. We are a pilgrim people and the true home we were born for is in heaven. In this world filled with temptation and the pride of life we must learn the great value of silence. We should ask God for the gift of meditation and reflect upon that which is spiritual. We should pray each day for a well-ordered and disciplined life of prayer. We must first be rooted deeply in Christ if we hope to fulfill our duty as Christians to bring Him into a world where so many are in desperate need of His grace.

The Feast of the Holy Family should also help us to understand the importance of family life. The family is the basic unit of society. However, it is rapidly deteriorating and in many places almost completely vanquished from our culture. The family is the context in which children were meant to be raised.

We should also reflect upon the value of work. Jesus Christ chose to become the Son of a carpenter. He was never too proud to embrace an honest day’s work. Saint Paul writes in his Epistle: “All whatsoever you do in word or in work, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks to God and the Father by Jesus Christ our Lord.” We should put all our hearts into everything we do and do all for love of God alone. If we can truly say that love of God is our motivation then we are on the path to holiness.

Sincerely in Christ,

Fr. Jeff Fasching

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Bulletin 134

SAINT AGNES CATHEDRAL 533 South Jefferson Springfield, MO 65806


CELEBRANT Rev. Jeffery A. Fasching

January 6th, 2013 Epiphany of the Lord

Epistle: Is. 60: 1-6; Gospel: Mt. 2: 1-12

Mass schedule January 7th through January 11th

Monday through Friday—Feria of Epiphanytide—NO LATIN MASS


The Magi come to adore the infant Jesus. Epiphany should remind us of our own responsibility to worship our Lord Jesus Christ, particularly in the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist. The Christmas season reminds us that the grace of God has appeared on earth in the person of Jesus Christ. Christ has wrought our redemption through His precious blood. We have been purchased at a great price! God wants us to return His love.

We see the infinite humility of Jesus Christ in the Nativity. In fact Christ’s entire life was a perfect example of humility. But He doesn’t stop there. Christ continues to make Himself present on our altars under the appearance of bread and wine. He gives us the opportunity to worship Him whenever we desire. As we begin a New Year let us resolve to visit our Lord more frequently in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar. Let us learn to receive His Body and Blood with greater fervor and devotion.

In Christ,

Fr. Jeff Fasching